The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History has developed a simple field kit designed to be used with a number of the school/community activities offered by the Museum. I bought one during a visit to the Museum, and as you can see it's fairly simple, but it includes a lot of very useful materials:
I particularly like the Explorer Journal activity card - it has the student trace a leaf, then use the magnifier to add detail. The index card in the upper right corner is also pretty interesting. It provides a format for a card index file (a database) of observed objects.
This could very well be a student version of the kit provided by our grant. I've put together a few of these student kits and I could provide class sets of 5 or 6 to a few interested teachers. Or, we could provide more kits as school sets (used by several classrooms) or library sets.
Let me know if you're interested in working with these kits - I'll be bringing a few to the June 5th field session. And check out the Pacific Grove Museum site - they have a lot of great activities for educators, many of them virtual/online. They also have many excellent videos related to the teaching resources on their site.
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